eBook (Epub 2)
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We Are Blind

Raw Evidence of Marketers' Billion-Dollar Failures
Editorial: Paidós
País de publicación: México

Sinopsis de We Are Blind:

The conference "We are blind" made Jürgen Klaric famous in 50 countries. The purpose of this book is to open your eyes to how the mind works and to understand why marketing and advertising fail so often. This book teaches you

- how the human mind works and its curious decision-making behavior

- the principle of the three brains: cortex (rational), limbic (emotional), reptilian (instinctive)

- to identify the most serious mistakes big brands make

- how to change the vision and culture of the company.

 In addition, it provides Jürgen Klaric’s ten principles to understand the subconscious mind and to maximize sales and marketing: 

1. Say I do not know anything! 2. Understand the problem and set a clear objective. 3. Research following the scientific model. 4. Generate hypotheses. 5. Generate key questions. 6. Use the laddering technique. 7. Read between the lines. 8. Select the information under neurobiological principles in order to discover the imprints. 9. Debug and hierarchize insights. 10. Synthesize, encode and implement.


eBook (Epub 2)
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Sobre el autor de We Are Blind

Es el escritor y blogger en español más leído en el mundo y uno de los diez influenciadores hispanos del momento; su vida transcurre entre sus investigaciones de conducta humana, basadas en antropología y neurociencia, y sus conferencias por todo el mundo.
Con casi siete millones de seguidores en las redes sociales y tres bestsellers, se ha convertido en un referente en el sector de la transformación personal.

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Ficha técnica

Fecha de publicación: 14/09/2018 | Idioma: Inglés | ISBN: 978-607-747-512-5 | Código: 10218202 | Presentación: Epub 2 | Colección: Empresa y Desarrollo Personal | Sentido de lectura: Occidental

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