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eBook (Epub 2)
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Anatomy of the Coca Leaf

Editorial: Diana
Temática: Estilo de vida
País de publicación: Perú

Sinopsis de Anatomy of the Coca Leaf:

Ever since cocaine hydrochloride became known in the 19th century, the use of the coca leaf has been demonized to such an extent that it’s even considered a taboo in many parts of the world.
Anatomy of the Coca Leaf, by Sacha Barrio Healey, expert in herbal medicine, rescues the secret benefits of this millenary leaf and hands them to its readers, through an in-depth social and scientific analysis that recovers the respect and relevance that this plant has always deserved.
Starting with its traditional use in rituals and the social importance of acullicu (the traditional method of chewing coca leaves), up to a detailed investigation about its nutritional, medicinal, and energetic value, in this text the reader will find the most complete guide ever published about the sacred leaf of the Incas.

eBook (Epub 2)
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Sobre el autor de Anatomy of the Coca Leaf

Es considerado un líder de opinión en temas de nutrición, Herbolaria y medicina alternativa en nuestro país. Hoy en día invierte todo su tiempo en experimentar en nuevas medicinas alimentarias y en compartir con nosotros sus hallazgos. Estudió en la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, en el Perú, y Medicina Complementaria, en Inglaterra. Se graduó del International College of Oriental Medicine, en Sussex, Inglaterra, y luego se especializó...

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Ficha técnica

Fecha de publicación: 15/12/2022 | Idioma: Español | ISBN: 978-612-4290-89-3 | Código: 10319711 | Presentación: Epub 2 | Sentido de lectura: Occidental

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