Back to Being You
Original title: Volver a ser tú
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

Back to Being You

Original title: Volver a ser tú
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

Keys to understand and overcome anxiety.

Despite anxiety being one of the great evils of our time, most of us, even while suffering from it, know little about it or what purpose it serves. In Back to Being You, the doctor in clinical psychology Joaquín Mateu-Mollá sheds light on where anxiety originates and how we can deal with it, exploring in depth the meaning it has for each of us according to our particular life experience. With this reading we will learn about its most positive aspects: how to experience it as a strength and understand the many myths that surround it to dismantle them. 

A book on one of the most pressing contemporary topics accompanied by a practical section that includes exercises on combating anxiety with useful illustrations of postures and strategies to deal with the situations that provoke it.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 368 pages | ISBN: 978-84-233-6355-1 | Imprint: Ediciones Destino