Your Body, Your Home
Original title: Tu cuerpo, tu hogar. La longevidad depende de ti
Category: Non-Fiction | Health

Your Body, Your Home

Original title: Tu cuerpo, tu hogar. La longevidad depende de ti
Category: Non-Fiction | Health

Our habits determine our health today and tomorrow 

The environment in which you live, your thoughts, the type of food you eat, your contact with nature, how long you remain sitting without moving, the number of hours you sleep at night, the type and frequency of water you drink, the cosmetics you use and your social relations influence and determine your health to a much greater degree than you might imagine. 

Fortunately, pathologies formed over the years through bad habits are reversible. Everything you do and think produces a change in the expression of your genes, which means that falling ill is not a matter of bad luck.  

Your Body, Your Home is a disruptive book that shows you how to study and modify the parameters of the great equation: health and aging. We don’t inherit diseases, we inherit habits, and our thoughts and actions produce epigenetic marks that are transmitted from one generation to the next. All of us can be long-lived, and in this book Rafael Guzmán shares the basic concepts on how to live a longer, healthier life. 

This way, the author opens for us a door to a world that is very well known to the unconscious but which the conscious mind at times ignores. An approach to a new, and at the same time ancestral, healthy lifestyle. To this end, the book is conceived as a journey toward a new life which guides us in different stages to induce changes in our habits, while providing us with the scientific reasons that support these changes.  

Highlights Your Body, Your Home


Don’t be in a rush to leave, learn how to gain more years and live longer.” 



A manual to recover life habits more connected to our nature, in harmony with the laws that govern life, body and mind. 

Technical data

Publishing date: | 312 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-7281-5 | Imprint: Espasa