Herstory of Art
Original title: PintorAs vol. 1
Category: Non-Fiction | History
Category: Non-Fiction | Feminism

Herstory of Art

Original title: PintorAs vol. 1
Category: Non-Fiction | History
Category: Non-Fiction | Feminism

From the 6th century B.C. to the 17th A.D.
Have a think about all the art made in the centuries between 600 B.C. and 1600 A.D. With such a broad scope, the chances are you’ll be able to name at least few artists from that period. But who exactly comes to mind? How many of them are men, and how many are women?
Herstory of Art: Vol. 1 a seeks to address the urgent need to find and name women artists from across the centuries, filling in a multitude of blank spaces to paint a more complete picture of the history of art. Working from the premise “no woman left behind”, Sara Rubayo and Ana Gallego have worked tirelessly to shed light on all the women painters that have been kept hidden in the dark, from ancient times to modernity.
With Art History’s lamentable track record of presenting women as either muses or amateurs, this exhaustive album seeks to set that record straight by challenging the received narrative and rescuing the scores of forgotten women artists about whom very little has ever been published.
However short their story may have been, each of these women and their contributions to the world of art deserves to be known far and wide.

Highlights Herstory of Art


Herstory of Art: Vol. 1 is the first instalment in a collection that seeks to rescue all those women artists condemned to the scrap heap of time and finally allow them to take their rightful place in ‘herstory’.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-84-493-4221-9 | Imprint: Ediciones Paidós

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