To Watch the Rice Grow
Original title: Observar el arroz crecer
Julio Ceballos

To Watch the Rice Grow

Original title: Observar el arroz crecer

Julio Ceballos


An intelligent and profound essay on China that provides the keys to understanding the Asian giant.

China is on its way to becoming the world's leading power, and this will be the greatest geopolitical challenge in the coming years. From now on, understanding the Chinese will be crucial. Neither our leaders nor we are prepared, which is why it is more important than ever to understand the main aspects concerning this unfamiliar country.

This book is a revealing portrait of the current state of China and our own future. A captivating narrative written by someone who, after many years of living with and doing business with its people, offers a lucid and humanistic perspective that will surprise the reader. With a close and entertaining writing style, Julio Ceballos, a deep connoisseur of their customs, explains the keys to thoroughly understanding the Chinese mindset.

A book that showcases a kaleidoscopic and fascinating country, debunks false myths, and answers the questions posed by the Chinese phenomenon, unraveling its complex reality and providing readers with the tools to adapt to the future of a world made in China.

The era of China has only just begun. It is worth understanding it.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 512 pages | ISBN: 978-84-344-3614-5 | Imprint: Editorial Ariel