Freedom or Tyranny
Original title: Libertad o tiranía

Freedom or Tyranny

Original title: Libertad o tiranía

The truth behind the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
In September 2015, over 150 governors and heads of state gathered at the historic UN Summit on Sustainable Development with the aim of approving the 2030 Agenda — a list of 17 internationally applicable goals seeking to achieve a more sustainable world by the year 2030. But have we been told the whole truth? Who is really behind the 2030 Agenda, and what spurious interests does it serve?
In this book, Cristina Martín tries to argue that the 2030 Agenda is in fact a global propaganda campaign seeking to influence everyone on the planet and subdue those that rebel against the status quo. While the principles on which the Agenda is based might be reasonable and legitimate, Freedom or Tyranny attempts to make clear the difference between the message and the real intentions behind it.
Through her resolute efforts of investigation and documentation, the author believes that the propaganda message of the 2030 Agenda is designed to disguise the manipulation at its core, and communicate a false sense of prosperity, universal peace and equal access to justice. However, the ‘brighter future’ it promises is in fact only for the minority of financial elites that have backed this campaign built on lies.

Highlights Freedom or Tyranny


A bold, polarising perspective which evades conventional narrative to shine a spotlight on what they haven’t told you.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 352 pages | ISBN: 978-84-270-5252-9 | Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca