This Is Your Moment
Original title: Este es tu momento
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

This Is Your Moment

Original title: Este es tu momento
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

Toward a meaningful, fulfilling life.

P aula’s life is about to take off. After a few gruelling months in which she has sacrificed everything to start her own business, she is about to put pen to paper
to make it official.

To celebrate, she decides to get away for a few days, and takes a trip to Ordesa National Park, a place she’s always dreamt of visiting. When she gets there, however, she receives the worst possible news: a lastminute decision by her investors means that all the work, time and money put in by Paula’s friends and family has gone up in smoke.

In that devastating moment, as she stares at the bottom of a gorge, broken, thinking of ending things, she suddenly hears a man’s voice, and Martin appears before her eyes. As if delivered by destiny itself, the charismatic Martin helps her to pull herself back together and regain control of her mind and emotions, taking her on a journey of discovery and personal growth.

‘Maybe the real question isn’t ‘who are you?’, but what part are you playing when you try to seek recognition, acceptance or admiration from other people? And conversely, how much of myself am I keeping hidden? How much of myself am I losing? To be unfaithful to yourself is the greatest betrayal of all.’

This is Your Moment is a moving story of personal growth that helps us reflect on the meaning of our own lives and how to find our true inner path.

Highlights This Is Your Moment


By the author of inspirational bestsellers Wherever Your Dreams Take You, A Place Called Destiny and Life is Waiting for You.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 304 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-28009-5 | Imprint: Zenith

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