The World On A Motorbike With Charly Sinewan
Original title: El mundo en moto con Charly Sinewan: Capítulo 1. Los primeros miedos
Category: Non-Fiction | Travel

The World On A Motorbike With Charly Sinewan

Original title: El mundo en moto con Charly Sinewan: Capítulo 1. Los primeros miedos
Category: Non-Fiction | Travel

Charly Sinewan gathers together twenty-five years of experience traveling all over the world with this indispensable manual for those who love traveling by motorcycle.

One fine day, Charly Sinewan decided to give up everything to devote himself to what he really loved: riding a motorcycle around the world and telling about it. After twenty-five years of adventures all over the planet, he has not only amused a community of thousands of unconditional followers, but has also gained experiences that make him the best advisor for those who want to enjoy traveling on motorcycle to the max.

In his first book the reader will find:

• Ten chapters with the best advice for planning a trip on motorcycle: choice of bike, logistics, bureaucracy, precautions.
• A women’s chapter, with advice and testimony from three expert female motorcycle travelers: Gemma Parellada, Lois Pryce, and Guada Araoz.
• A map with the most important destinations and routes for motorcyclists in the world.

Highlights The World On A Motorbike With Charly Sinewan


Charly Sinewan gathers together twenty-five years of experience traveling all over the world with this indispensable manual for those who love traveling by motorcycle. 

Technical data

Publishing date: | 240 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-25717-2 | Imprint: GeoPlaneta