The Book Of Creative Meditation
Original title: El libro de la meditación creativa
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

The Book Of Creative Meditation

Original title: El libro de la meditación creativa
Category: Non-Fiction | Self-help

Zentangle® techniques and exercises to boost your creativity and reduce stress.

A fter suffering from depression, Alicia Gutiérrez Rey discovered a drawing technique that helped banish her negative thoughts. It proved to be the beginning of her path to a state of wellbeing and personal growth. In this book she tells the story of her transformation and how, with nothing more than a piece of white card and a marker pen, you can follow in her footsteps effortlessly.

Zentangle® is an artistic method from the United States that involves creating images through repetitive patterns, and for which you don’t even need to know
how to draw. The abstract patterns focus your attention and trick your brain into relaxing.

Along this book you will embark on a journey replete with exercises, stories and meditations. Using a combination of drawing and other tools, such as coaching, you will learn how to deal with life’s obstacles, whilst nourishing your artistic streak and your peace of mind.

Highlights The Book Of Creative Meditation


Find calm and beauty in every stroke.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 208 pages | ISBN: 978-84-1344-279-2 | Imprint: Alienta Editorial