Original title: El lado oculto de la farmacia

Original title: El lado oculto de la farmacia

The half-truths and lies hidden on the shelves of pharmacies

This book is a forceful defense of the patient in the face of the many products found in pharmacies and that, in reality, do not aid our health. Esther Samper seeks to illuminate, in the light of science, that dark side of the pharmacy so that we don’t grope blindly in our choices, but do so in an informed and free way. Because there is no true freedom in a decision if it is made in ignorance.

Homeopathy, food supplements, medicinal plants, medicines against the flu and colds, anti-mosquito bracelets and other products sold in these establishments are supposed to be backed by scientific rigor but, according to their author, Dr. Esther Samper, are not. A reliable tool to go to the pharmacy armed with knowledge of products without proven efficacy and pseudo-therapies.



An enlightening health guide determined to unmask ineffective products used in countless treatments by millions of people.


"There is no place for white lies in the medical field, nor any possible justification for prescribing pharmacy products with no proven efficacy."

Technical data

Publishing date: | 368 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-28452-9 | Imprint: Editorial Planeta