The Son of Capitan Thunder
Original title: El hijo del Capitán Trueno
Miguel Bosé
Category: Non-Fiction

The Son of Capitan Thunder

Original title: El hijo del Capitán Trueno

Miguel Bosé

Category: Non-Fiction

Miguel Bosé's fame is such that most of us believe we know everything about him. We think his life holds no more surprises. However, if there is one thing for which the author has an extraordinary talent, and this has been so since the beginning of his career, it is to pulverize prejudices. All readers will be captivated by the first pages -and what pages! - of a story, his own, that begins with the air of a timeless tale: children at the mercy of an allpowerful father, accustomed to his will being law, and a charming mother of legendary beauty.

Generous and audacious as ever, the author offers us the lesser-known side of memorable characters, from a vulnerable and ageing Picasso to the beautiful and cursed Helmut Berger. And, destined to stay with us long after we put the book down, Tata, a true beneficent spirit, who reminds us of courageous women willing to do anything to protect defenseless creatures.

A story that takes place in the Spain of the 1960's, that draws from the memories of our childhood and youth and that shows that in contradiction, in pain and in the joy of living, Miguel Bosé understands us, accompanies us and represents us.

El hijo del Capitán Trueno videos

Rights sold

Rizzoli (Italy). 

Technical data

Publishing date: | 664 pages | ISBN: 978-950-852-332-7 | Imprint: Espasa