Chronicle of an Intoxicated Society
Original title: Crónica de una sociedad intoxicada

Chronicle of an Intoxicated Society

Original title: Crónica de una sociedad intoxicada

A well-documented critique of the abusive consumption of medication and of the industry that controls our public health system

In Spain, three out of ten people take pills to sleep or for depression; three out of ten, omeprazole; and two out of ten, for cholesterol. In 2022 alone, Spanish doctors wrote more than one billion prescriptions. In rich countries, the consumption of medication is steadily rising, yet it does not seem to be improving the health of the population. On the contrary: dozens of studies show that more than half of all drugs are prescribed unnecessarily and that the most commonly used drugs are among the main causes of illness, disability and death. In this book, Professor Laporte reviews the origin, development, prescription and consumption of drugs in today’s society, and analyzes the interests and practices of pharmaceutical companies, legislators and health professionals that have led to the current situation.

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Publishing date: | 640 pages | ISBN: 978-84-1100-249-3 | Imprint: Ediciones Península