Against Equal Opportunities
Original title: Contra la igualdad de oportunidades
Category: Non-Fiction | Philosophy

Against Equal Opportunities

Original title: Contra la igualdad de oportunidades
Category: Non-Fiction | Philosophy

An egalitarian pamphlet.

Inequality has kidnapped democracy, and while freedom has become the value par excellence, material equality remains absent from political parties’ programs, apart from the much-vaunted “equality of opportunity,” which often conceals another form of elitism benefiting those who already have the most. There are ethical, economic, social, and environmental reasons to strive for a more balanced society. One that doesn’t give everyone the same thing, but does give everyone the things they need.

In this book, César Rendueles proposes a contemporary pro-egalitarianism program with concrete proposals while exploring the evolution of equality in different social contexts, from gender equality to culture, work, family relationships, and education.

“I started thinking about this project in May of 2011, during the 15M protests, and I finished writing it ten years later, in April of 2020, in confinement as a consequence of Covid-19” summarizes the author. His knowledge of sociology and history and his ability to illustrate them with popular references, from cinema to literature or television series, make these pages an exciting read for all audiences on one of the great pending subjects of the 21st century."

Highlights Against Equal Opportunities


A radical appeal for equality of opportunity with concrete proposals to make society a better place.

Rights sold

Suhrkamp (Germany), Iletisim Yayinlari (Turquía).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 368 pages | ISBN: 978-987-8319-30-8 | Imprint: Seix Barral