How to Apply the Plate Method
Original title: Cómo aplicar el método del plato
Category: Non-Fiction | Cooking

How to Apply the Plate Method

Original title: Cómo aplicar el método del plato
Category: Non-Fiction | Cooking

Learn and discover healthy nutrition habits by applying the Plate Method every week

Nutritionist Adriana Oroz Lacunza returns with one of the most popular methods in nutrition and health, the Plate Method, to explain how to apply it correctly in daily life and eat healthy every week without stress or complications. The Plate Method is a tool developed by Harvard to achieve a balanced diet through the distribution of each food group within all your meals. It is easy and practical: it consists of putting on a plate the amount of proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates and fats needed for your meal to be nutritionally complete.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 304 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-28641-7 | Imprint: Zenith