Keys to a Stoic Motherhood    
Original title: Claves para una maternidad estoica
Lorena García Díez
Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

Keys to a Stoic Motherhood    

Original title: Claves para una maternidad estoica

Lorena García Díez

Category: Non-Fiction | Parenting

How to survive parenting without losing your head or your sense of humor 

Do you have the sense that motherhood is bringing out the worst in you? Do you need a break to review this process and see it with fresh eyes? Are you feeling overwhelmed and burned out? According to a recent study, seven out of ten Spanish parents state that the daily effort of trying to be perfect parents is exhausting them. And this high percentage of very tired parents can also be found throughout Europe and beyond. 

To overcome parental burnout, Lorena García Díez proposes living motherhood with stoicism. Mother of two children, she recounts in these pages her experiences from pregnancy to the difficulties of finding the right balance in her life, through childbirth, postpartum, the importance of delegating in parenting, the subject of school, and resuming sex with her partner. Armed with healthy doses of humor, she reveals how she has managed during these various stages to cope with uncontainable emotions by controlling her thoughts. 

Based on the philosophy of stoicism, Keys to a Stoic Motherhood provides you with the necessary guidelines to make the most of your imperfect motherhood and turn the tables on the situation. 


Highlights Keys to a Stoic Motherhood    


The antidote to burnout for thousands of mothers and fathers

Technical data

Publishing date: | 176 pages | ISBN: 978-84-480-4146-5 | Imprint: Libros Cúpula