Everything dies, except the sea
Original title: Todo muere salvo el mar
María del Mar Ramón
Category: Fiction

Everything dies, except the sea

Original title: Todo muere salvo el mar

María del Mar Ramón

Category: Fiction

Lucas and his significant other Paula travel to a Caribbean island called La Perlita (‘The Little Pearl’) to enjoy the holidays in a hostel called The Blue Lagoon (like the 1991 movie), founded by Paula’s relatives. Since Lucas is afraid of flying on airplanes, the couple has to wait a long time to finally travel to this paradise.

One day, Lucas tries to surf, but he and the surfboard are dragged by the tide back to the shore. It is hard for Lucas to move and breathe. Paula is concerned about her boyfriend who can barely move his arms to get out of the water. Simultaneously, a younger, goodlooking tourist called Pedro helps Lucas to stand up and recover. He is traveling with his girlfriend Clarice, a Swedish woman.A few hours after the incident, Lucas feels overwhelmed by Pedro’s good mood and manners. Paula, on the other hand, is furious at Lucas. She weeps quietly and when Lucas tries to comfort her, she rejects him and

The trip becomes a pressure cooker for Lucas and Paula, whose relationship seems ready to fall apart. Can they overcome their differences?

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Technical data

Publishing date: | 168 pages | ISBN: 978-631-6508-42-3 | Imprint: Seix Barral