In the Lion's Den
Original title: En la boca del lobo

In the Lion's Den

Original title: En la boca del lobo

The stories we share can change our destiny

Julieta and her mother arrive at La Sabina to spend the holidays. At eleven years old, Juliet considers this lost village the best place to leave behind problems she doesn’t know how to put a name to. During this eternal summer full of first times, she will discover that the town is built on secrets and memories; the edges of the forests on tales and legends; and the hearts of people on fear, hate, love and hope, the four feelings that nourish their dreams and also their worst nightmares. 

In the Lion’s Den comes from the perspective of an author who has dedicated a large part of her work to observing childhood in all its richness, singularity and vulnerability, and shows that the stories we share, and the ones we tell each other, can break the curse of a poisoned inheritance.

Elvira Lindo returns to pure fiction creating her own literary world, the deserted Sabina and its forests, a setting in which reality and fable go hand in hand, just like in the classics. Readers are immersed in a magnificent novel of increasing intensity, before whose mystery they will only be able to respond with amazement and emotion.

Elvira Lindo’s Adult Fiction books have sold over 150,000 copies in Spain. A consecrated and praised author, she is one of the pinnacles of Spanish contemporary literature for 25 years.

Highlights In the Lion's Den


Winner of the 2005 Biblioteca Breve Prize and the 1998 National Prize for Children’s & YA Literature.


Elvira Lindo returns with a suspense novel in the best tradition of the classic genre

Rights sold

Audiovisual rights optioned.

Option publishers

Ugo Guanda (Italy), Other Press (World English), Uitgeverij Signatuur (The Netherlands), Vulkan (Serbia).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 272 pages | ISBN: 978-84-322-4206-9 | Imprint: Seix Barral

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