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To Hunt Lions in Scotland
Original title: Cazar leones en Escocia

To Hunt Lions in Scotland

Original title: Cazar leones en Escocia

A Tribute to Happiness and Unconditional Love

Six months have passed since my mother's death. I hadn't found the strength to confront it until a stranger entered my life in the most surprising way, urging me to address the unresolved matters. I must accept an inheritance that, while it will secure my future, will bind me irrevocably to my family. I'm not sure that's what I want: to lose my independence. Moreover, it's not a simple matter of signing some papers at a notary's office, no. First, I must move into her house for three months and follow the instructions she left in six letters. Why all this mystery? Who is this Paul Dombasle who, though also deceased, has brought me to Paris to bestow upon me an extraordinarily valuable gift? And my mother? Who was my mother, truly?

With these questions, Miranda Herrera sets out on a journey filled with mystery, discovery, danger, and "red days" — those days when sudden fear grips us for no apparent reason. This journey will lead her, through the remarkable lives of her mother and grandmother, to a love free of constraints and conventions, a love that so many insist on denying.

To Hunt Lions in Scotland is a celebration of motherhood, happiness, and the unconditional love that two generations of women dared to embrace against all odds, in a time and place brimming with prohibitions and labels.


Technical data

Publishing date: | 432 pages | ISBN: 978-84-670-6605-0 | Imprint: Espasa

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