Leo Doesn't Know How to Play
Original title: Leo no sabe jugar
Category: Children & YA

Leo Doesn't Know How to Play

Original title: Leo no sabe jugar
Category: Children & YA

Can you imagine not knowing how to play hide and seek or how to climb trees or look at clouds? Can you imagine not knowing how to play soccer or to run through a park? 

Leo and his gang, a group of boys and girls from the future, only know how to play by using their virtual reality eyewear. But one day, a very naughty cat named King-Kong spoils their favorite game and suddenly the children have to learn what to do with their time and discover ways to truly have fun.  

A likeable story that emphasizes traditional play as the best tool for developing the imagination.  

Technical data

Publishing date: | 56 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-28083-5 | Imprint: Zenith