The Kings Shadow
Original title: La sombra del rey
Elena Hormiga

The Kings Shadow

Original title: La sombra del rey

Elena Hormiga


A beautiful fable about the value of immaterial things
Are all kings capricious? The one in this story is. So much so that he has ordered an elephant to be caught, all the butterflies in the kingdom to be hunted down, and musical instruments to be requisitioned. And now he has a new craving: to bring the precious shade of a thousand-year-old tree to his treasure tower... will he succeed?
In this beautiful tale, Elena Hormiga reflects on the futility of greed to remind us that often the value of things lies precisely in the immaterial.

Highlights The Kings Shadow


Winner of the XLII edition of the Destino Apel·les Mestres award


A simple text but with an endearing story that is full of messages with values.


Elena Hormiga’s delicate illustrations will captivate readers, young and old alike.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 40 pages | ISBN: 978-84-08-28627-1 | Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil