René Merino

René Merino

René Merino was born in Madrid in 1980 and, practically as soon as he was able to, he devoted himself to drawing on whatever he could get his hands on, once caused him more than a few problems: with his mother for drawing on his hands, with the teachers at school for drawing on the
tables, and with his ex-boss for drawing him. Giving his mother (and himself) some peace of mind, he started making his own living years ago doing commissioned illustrations and murals and teaching drawing classes. In 2013, he started making comics that he shared on his Instagram  account. In the middle of the pandemic, René Merino published his first book It’s Bad, But It Could Get Worse (Lunwerg, 2020) and, a year later, One Day It Happened (Lunwerg, 2021), Everything Will Turn Out Fine (Sometimes) came out in 2022.
