Julián Casanova
 ©Eduardo Bayona
©Eduardo Bayona

Julián Casanova

Julián Casanova is a tenured professor of Contemporary History at the Universidad de Zaragoza. His works include Anarquismo y revolución en la sociedad rural aragonesa, 1936-1938 ( Anarchism and Revolution in Rural Aragon Society 1985; Crítica 2006), La historia social y los historiadores (Social History and Historians Crítica, 1991; pocket edition 2003), La Iglesia de Franco (Franco's Church Crítica, 2005), Anarquismo y violencia política en la España del siglo XX (Anarchism and Political Violence in Spain in the 20th Century 2007), República y guerra civil ( The Republic and Civil War, Crítica, 2007) and, together with Carlos Gil Andrés, Historia de España en el siglo XX (The History of Spain in the 20th Century, Ariel, 2009). He has been a guest professor at several prestigious Universities in England, the USA and Latin America.  De la calle al frente was published by Routledge (London, 2005) under the title Anarchism, the Republic and Civil War in Spain: 1931-1939.
