Fernando Botella
 ©Sara Roque
©Sara Roque

Fernando Botella

Fernando Botella has a degree in Biological Sciences and more than twenty years of management experience. He currently dedicates himself to training and professional development, innovation and organizational transformation processes.

As a business trainer and consultant, he is well versed in the challenges and needs of organizations, and advises their leaders and professionals in the process of developing and improving skills to adapt to an increasingly competitive and changing environment. His specialties include neurobiology and neuro-management, which gives him additional scientific rigor to deal with personal development. Furthermore, he regularly participates in international symposiums and congresses with leading experts in the field.

He has a personal blog and is the author of books such as Atrévete (Alienta, 2012), La fuerza de la ilusión, written with the magician Jorge Blass (Alienta, 2011) and El factor H (Alienta, 2016).