Abe The Ape (Abraham Menéndez)
 ©Manu Toro
©Manu Toro

Abe The Ape (Abraham Menéndez)

Abraham Menéndez, aka Abe The Ape, has a degree in Advertising and PR from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and a diploma in Fashion Design from the IED. He has created his own signature of decorated plates, fun and unconventional in which he reflects his particular style with vintage touches, a great sense of humor and cinema as a source of inspiration. He has also collaborated with brands such as Chanel, Aristocrazy, L’Oreal, Perrier, Heineken and Coordonné, among others. He is the author of Alfred Hitchcock. The enemy of blondes (Lunwerg, 2021) and Divas (Lunwerg, 2023). 
